Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill...

"Don't make a mountain out of a molehill..." How small do you have to be to look at a molehill and make a mountain out of it? What does that really mean? Does it mean that we look at the stuff we're facing in our lives and make them bigger than they really are? Are there things in your life that you are making a bigger issue than it really is? I know that I can do that, I have faced things in my life and have allowed my immediate circumstances to dictate my emotions and I allow my emotion and MY MIND to make it bigger than it is... Doesn't it seem that when we lay our heads down at night and the lights are turned off, the world slows down and our MIND won't shut off?!!!? It seems as if those things that we're thinking about when we go to bed (especially if it's a rough situation) gets bigger than it really is... 
My point is this, God is bigger than anything we face, Yeah I know, that's another cliche'... But seriously, the God that created the night, the sun, the sky, the stars, the complex human body is ALSO CRAZY in love with YOU!!! He's a personal God... He knows what you're going through and will walk with you through, around, over or under that situation!!! He really is an AMAZING God!!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Play the hand you're dealt...

"Play the hand you're dealt..." We go through things in our life that we don't always like... Things that we have no control over, things that others have placed us in a position that we can't fix or change... We have to play the hand that we were dealt... HOW we play that hand is up to us!!! Don't let your circumstances dictate the outcome of the situation you are in, YOU determine the outcome... In the game of cards (which I'm not very good at), you HAVE to play the hand you're dealt. but HOW you play that hand is VERY important. If I play it wrong, I can be out, If I play a GREAT hand at the WRONG time, I'm out. If I play a BAD hand at the RIGHT time, I can win...
My Point: When you go through "stuff" (and we all do), remember, You have the choice how that "hand you were dealt" is played... PLAY IT RIGHT!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Everybody has an Opinion...

"Everybody has an Opinion..." Have you ever heard that said? NOW, have you ever added the rest of that statement??? sayings like, "opinions are like elbows", or "opinions are like ears", or "opinions are like armpits". Or, you fill in the blank... When you say that, are you responding to someone else's opinion about a topic? or are you preempting a comment that you are about to make?... First off, what makes you think that people need to hear YOUR opinion? Is it because you feel that you need to say something because everyone else needs to hear it, or do you have a legitimate comment to ADD to the conversation? My Point is, when you are going to add to a conversation, think about why you're going to say what you are going to say, and WHY are you going to say WHAT you're going to say? Go ahead and comment on what you have heard or said..."Opinion are like _______"

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Call a Spade a Spade...

"Call a Spade a Spade..." - Or "you can call it what you want, but it is what it is" (Tom Groot saying)... How many of us have used a screwdriver as a hammer? (me) or a Knife as a screwdriver? (me) or using powerpoint as a Document editor?... (me)...  We all know that using the right tool for the job makes the job easier to do and more enjoyable... Many times I have worked on my car and needed to pry something off, and I have used a screwdriver to do it, and time after time I have "bloodied my knuckles" trying to do something with a tool that that tool was NOT intended to do... Have you ever been frustrated in your workplace? Not being used in the area's that you feel would be best for you and the company...?

My Point: You and I have been given abilities that we can use to get the job done right, and have fun doing it... God designed us one way, with certain, unique skills... He wants us to use those skills to get the job done right, and have fun while doing those jobs... If God calls you a shovel, be a shovel!!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Let sleeping Dogs lie...

Let sleeping dogs lie.....??? I didn't know dogs COULD lie.... I guess that's the wrong use of the word lie... but sometimes, don't we need to wake the sleeping dog? Why WOULD you let it lie? maybe because you're afraid of what it might do when it wakes? Is it out of fear that we don't wake the "dog", or is it out of laziness? maybe both sometimes... What Dog's are lying around in your life that you need to address?

Other thoughts on "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie"...?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

You get what you pay for...

"You get what you pay for..." Is that really true, When we look at having the best, the best car, the best house, the best furniture, the best _______ (fill in the blank)... Does that mean that the more we pay, the more we get???? In other words,  Excellence = Expensive??? I had the privilege of being part of a Golf outing yesterday with a very good friend, we had a blast goofing around, enjoying the beautiful day, laughing A LOT... It was a GREAT DAY!!! We played 18 holes of Golf, had lunch there, made some new contacts with influential people in the community and surrounding area, AND I got to hang around a good friend for a whole day!!! All of that cost me $0.00... If the statement "You get what you payed for is true, then many would consider my yesterday a waisted day... Maybe the statement IS true, but not for every situation???!!!??? Or is it????

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Don't rain on my Parade...

When someone says "Don't rain on my parade", or "Throw a wet blanket on the fire why don'tcha". What are they saying? they're saying, don't speak negative about something I am excited about... How many times have you/do you bring a negative comment to a conversation? What good does it do? Just a thought...

I am going to try to get a new cliche' up every few days and allow as many comments about it as possible... Sometimes I will comment on them, other times I want you to comment on them... I will always try to have a picture that goes along with it, sometimes it will fit the cliche', other times it will be a picture that I like that I want everyone to see...

Let the comments begin...