Sunday, September 27, 2009

Don't make a mountain out of a molehill...

"Don't make a mountain out of a molehill..." How small do you have to be to look at a molehill and make a mountain out of it? What does that really mean? Does it mean that we look at the stuff we're facing in our lives and make them bigger than they really are? Are there things in your life that you are making a bigger issue than it really is? I know that I can do that, I have faced things in my life and have allowed my immediate circumstances to dictate my emotions and I allow my emotion and MY MIND to make it bigger than it is... Doesn't it seem that when we lay our heads down at night and the lights are turned off, the world slows down and our MIND won't shut off?!!!? It seems as if those things that we're thinking about when we go to bed (especially if it's a rough situation) gets bigger than it really is... 
My point is this, God is bigger than anything we face, Yeah I know, that's another cliche'... But seriously, the God that created the night, the sun, the sky, the stars, the complex human body is ALSO CRAZY in love with YOU!!! He's a personal God... He knows what you're going through and will walk with you through, around, over or under that situation!!! He really is an AMAZING God!!!

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